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商品名稱: VTC Adobe Photoshop CS4 for the Web-iNKiSO
商品分類: ADOBE奧多比工具軟體
商品類型: 圖形設編輯與合成軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2010-03-26
Adobe Photoshop CS4無與倫比的編輯與合成功能、更直觀的用戶體驗以及大幅工作效率增強
,是專業攝影師、圖形設計師或Web 設計人員的理想選擇。Photoshop CS4包含眾多適合攝影
師使用的工具,本教程旨在教導攝影師如何正確有效地學習並掌握Photoshop CS4的全新功能
Photoshop, the de facto graphics application in the world of print design,
turns its sights on web design! In this course, Geoff Blake will demonstrate
many practical and useful techniques for working with Photoshop in a web
design capacity. You'll learn the fundamentals of web design, including HTML
and CSS basics, the challenges of web browsers, and how monitor resolution
affects design. Geoff will also demonstrate how to coordinate Photoshop and
Dreamweaver so that you can edit layout images in Photoshop. You'll master
Photoshop selections, how to use layers to organize your layouts, and how
color works in an online environment. Finally, you'll construct an entire
layout from scratch in Photoshop and discover techniques for exporting it
for online use.